As the parent of a little boy, you know that boys are sometimes rough on their belongings. When planning a hiking trip or a camping adventure, you need a sleeping bag that will put up with everything he throws at it. Some of the best sleeping bags of the year are suitable for younger and older boys alike as well as those who love sleeping indoors and those who like camping under the stars. Before you buy the first sleeping bag you see, check out the top 10 best boys’ sleeping bags of 2016 to find one suitable for your growing boy.
1. Coleman 45 Degree Youth Sleeping Bag
Coleman makes all the outdoor gear you need, including stoves, tents and sleeping bags like this one. Designed for younger users, it can fit campers of up to 5’5” tall and has a padded interior to help him feel comfortable. It comes with a patented Roll Tight design that helps him roll the bag down for storing in the included carrying case. Coleman included new technology that provides him with additional softness around his head and a snag-free zipper.
2. OuterEQ Camping Sleeping Bags Hiking Sleeping Bag
When your little one wants to feel more like a real man, treat him to this sleeping bag designed for hikers of all ages and sizes. This compact bag is so lightweight and small when rolled up that he can toss it right in his hiking bag, but it also comes with straps that he can use for carrying the bag by itself. A soft cotton liner and polyester shell keep him warm in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Coleman Kid’s 50 Degree Sleeping Bag
Another bag that will keep him warm and toasty in temperatures down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit is this one from Coleman, which uses a funky blue print on the inside that matches the solid blue exterior. A specially designed tube runs along the side of the zipper and traps the heat inside the bag, which actually glows in the dark, while a comfort cuff around the top helps him feel more comfortable.
4. Airblasters Outdoor Sleeping Bag Camping Sleeping Bag
This outdoor sleeping bag from Airblasters will make any little boy feel like an adult. When you roll the bag up and slip it inside the included storage bag, it is roughly the same size as a soda can. Your son can toss the sleeping bag in his suitcase or bag before an overnight trip at a friend’s house or an upcoming camping adventure. The machine washable sleeping bag keeps him warm in temperatures below and near 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Lucky Bums Youth 0-Degree Serenity II Sleeping Bag
Weighing in at under four pounds, this mummy sleeping bag from Lucky Bums is great for use in three seasons of the year. A dependable filling inside and an outer polyester shell is suitable for both Boy Scouts and anyone who loves camping. The mummy design lets him hop in and zip himself up to enjoy complete comfort from the temperatures outside, and it comes in a few different colors too.
6. Big Scout 30 Degree Kids Sleeping Bag
The polyester filling found inside this Big Scout sleeping bag works with the polyester shell to provide complete and total comfort in temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The manufacturer constructed the bag in a way that reduces cold spots and prevents cold air from getting inside. It also comes with an adjustable hood that lets him flip the hood up to cover his face or drop it down to have more freedom.
7. Ledge Sports Youth River Jr +0 F Degree Mummy Sleeping Bag
This Ledge Sports mummy sleeping bag will help him stay safe and comfortable on even the coldest of nights. Rated for use in temperatures down to zero degrees Fahrenheit, it has an adjustable hood and a zipper that runs just halfway down the bag to let him move more freely. This water-resistant sleeping bag also has a drawstring at the top and comes with a funky blue camouflage design on the front with solid black panels.
8. Lucky Bums Youth Explorer 10-Degree Sleeping Bag
Weighing just over three pounds, this Lucky Bums sleeping bag is great for younger boys who can’t support a lot of weight on their backs. It features a polyester shell with a matching liner and a hollow filling inside that cradles his body and helps him stay warmer. This three-season sleeping bag comes in several colors and a customer satisfaction guarantee from Lucky Bums that lets you get your money back if you’re unhappy with it.
9. Disney Cars Sleeping Bag
When you spend more time at home and less time on the go, give your little buy this Cars sleeping bag. Designed for indoor use only, this bag features bold colors of black and red and comes with an image of Lightning McQueen himself across the front. The bag has two pounds of soft filling inside that he’ll love falling asleep on and comes with a matching carrying bag that features the same character.
10. Mountain Hardwear Youth Mountain Goat 20F Sleeping Bag
Save money in the future with this Mountain Hardware sleeping bag that actually grows as your son grows. A draw cord on the inside lets you increase or decrease the length to fit his body and anyone else who uses the bag. Draft tubing and a face gasket eliminate cold spots around his head and the zipper. The bag also comes with a matching nylon storage bag and a small pocket he can use for storage.
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