When you spend a lot of time on the road and have limited space in your vehicle, you could benefit from a cargo carrier that fits right on your roof. These cargo bags come in various sizes and designs that will work on everything from a small sedan to a large SUV. You can put all your camping gear, sporting equipment and even suitcases in that carrier to give your family and friends more space to enjoy the road ahead. No matter what type of vehicle you drive, find the perfect model for you with a look at the top 10 best rooftop cargo carriers.
1. Keeper 07203-1 Waterproof Roof Top Cargo Bag
With 15 cubic feet of storage space, this Keeper carrier bag is great for all types of travelers. Its soft sides expand slightly to fit more objects than you can imagine, and that unique design also lets you put oddly shaped objects inside for convenient storage. The bag is waterproof and protects against a range of environmental hazards you might face on the road, including rain, sun and the wind. It even folds flat for storage later.
2. Rightline Gear 100S20 Sport 2 Car Top Carrier
Rightline Gear makes it easy to store all the belongings you take on your travels with this rooftop carrier bag. Measuring more than 40-inches long and 14-inches tall, it has enough space for your gear and equipment but won’t weigh down your car. Made from a type of reinforced PVC that protects against the elements, the bag has a UV-resistant coating on the exterior to protect against the sun’s rays too.
3. 62.5″ Roof Luggage Cargo Storage Rack with Wind Fairing
Though a little more basic than some of the other carriers on the list, this storage rack is perfect for those who need to carry larger items and bigger things that won’t fit in traditional rooftop bags. Its open design lets you stack larger and taller objects on your roof, and you can then use bungee cords to keep those items safe. Its wind fairing design keeps those objects safe while cutting back on the noises you hear in your car.
4. Rightline Gear 100S30 Sport 3 Car Top Carrier
Even if you don’t have a roof rack on your vehicle, you can still use this carrier bag from Rightline Gear. It comes with four nylon straps that you can use for attaching the bag to your rack, your windows or other parts of your car. It features two seams on each side to cut down on damage caused by the wind, and its waterproof design is suitable for use in all weather conditions.
5. OxGord CARC-1143-BK 15-Cubic Feet Roof Top Cargo Rack
With this OxGord carrier bag, you’ll never again worry about it slipping off your roof because it comes with a slip-proof bottom. Heavy-duty zippers stand up well to high winds, and you can lock those zippers to keep your belongings safe while you’re away from your vehicle. Made from a fabric that is resistant to both wind and water, this bag will keep your items protected from all hazards and weather conditions.
6. RoofBag Cross Country 100% Waterproof Soft Car Top Carrier
Available in two colors, this rooftop carrier bag also comes in multiple sizes that will fit different makes and models. Durable buckles and straps added to the sides of the bag attach right to your roof rack and to other parts on your vehicle. This waterproof bag offers protection from the elements and has softer sides that let you pack more items inside. All sizes can accommodate objects like sports equipment, luggage and camping gear.
7. OxGord Car Van Suv Roof Top Cargo Rack Carrier
OxGord appears on the list for a second time with this carrier bag, which features soft sides that allow you to put more objects inside the bag. With an interior space measuring around 10 cubic feet, it’s a little on the smaller side, but you won’t worry about it damaging your roof or putting too much weight on your car. Made from waterproof fabric, it has a soft gray exterior that helps reflect heat away from the bag.
8. SportRack SR7095 Skyline XL Cargo Box
This SportRack carrier offers more protection for your precious belongings because it has hard sides. While those hard sides limit the amount of interior space available, you’ll love knowing that the rigid sides prevent damage from wind and even rocks that hit your car. It has a locking door for extra protection and features an opening that lets you access the carrier from the passenger side of your vehicle to avoid traffic.
9. SportRack SR7011 Horizon Cargo Box
With a sleek design, it’s no wonder so many travelers love this rooftop carrier from SportRack. It features 11 cubic feet of interior storage space and rigid sides made from a material that is resistant to impacts. The mounting hardware that the manufacturer included attaches easily to both your roof and the carrier itself to make installation easier, and its central lock makes it easy to lock, unlock, open and close the carrier on your journeys.
10. Yakima CargoPack Cargo Bag
This Yakima cargo bag comes with straps that you can use for hooking the bag to your roof or to the inside of your car. Made from a heavy-duty waterproof material, the bag offers protection from both the sun and the rain to keep your belongings safe and secure. Its soft sides and adjustable buckles let you store multiple bags and other types of gear inside, and you can roll or fold the bad down for storage in your vehicle.
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