When you have kids at home, you need to have a few sleeping bags on hand. Suitable for taking on camping trips and outdoor adventures, these comfortable little bags are also great for overnight trips. Your little girl can take one with her when spending the night at a friend’s house, and she can share her sleeping bag with friends staying at your own house. Some bags come packed with features that will help kids stay warm and toasty on the coldest of nights, and some feature the top cartoon characters. Look at the best girls’ sleeping bags of 2016 to find a bag for your little one.
1. Wenzel Moose Sleeping Bag
Any little girl will get a kick out of this Wenzel sleeping bag, which features soft shades of pink and an adorable pattern of little moose walking across the front. The insulated filling used on the inside will not aggravate those with allergies, and that filling has a rating that will keep her warm in temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll also get a simple carrying bag that matches the moose pattern on the sleeping bag.
2. Lucky Bums Compact Lightweight Muir Spring Summer Fall Sleeping Bag
While some sleeping bags have a heavy or bulky design, this Lucky Bums sleeping bag is lightweight and compact. It folds down quickly, making it a great choice for even the smallest of girls, and it weighs just over two pounds. A polyester shell and an insulated lining ensures that she stays comfortable and warm when camping at home or in the great outdoors. Choose from several colors to match her style and personality.
3. Coleman Youth Mummy Sleeping Bag
Mummy sleeping bags are among the warmest bags out there, and this Coleman bag is great for little campers. Its mummy design features a smaller end around her feet and a larger end for her head that helps her stay warmer than ever before. Rated for use in temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit, this bag has a unique patterned interior in different shades of pink and vibrant purple exterior that she’ll want to show off to her friends.
4. Disney Youth Princess Sleeping Bag
Perfect for overnight trips, this Disney sleeping bag is one that she’ll want to use at home too. It features images of some of the most popular Disney princesses on the front, including Ariel and Belle. The full-length zipper makes it easy for girls to get in and out of the bag, and the soft interior lining will keep her comfortable all night long in temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Ledge Sports Youth River Jr +0 F Degree Mummy Sleeping Bag
One of the ultimate bags for little outdoor enthusiasts is this mummy sleeping bag from Ledge Sports. Rated for temperatures as low as zero degrees Fahrenheit, it weighs under four pounds and comes with a matching carrying bag for convenience. The bag rolls down so tightly and easily that anyone can put it away. Little girls will love the hot pink camouflage pattern on this bag, and you’ll love its waterproof design.
6. Girls Youth Sleeping Bag
Not all girls need sleeping bags that come with lots of bells and whistles. If you need something basic for use at home and on the go, this Coleman bag delivers everything you need. Its longer design can accommodate sleepers of more than five-feet tall, and Coleman added a unique zipper that won’t catch on the fabric. Suitable for use in temperatures ranging from 45 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s perfect for spring and summer camping trips.
7. Hello Kitty Youth Sleeping Bag
Any little girl who loves Hello Kitty will love this sleeping bag, which comes with an adorable image of that cartoon cat on the front. Featuring shades of pink, white, green, yellow and blue, this bag is one she’ll love using on any trip. It comes with two pounds of soft filling and a matching bag for easy storage. Designed for use indoors, it has a temperature rating of down to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
8. Coleman 2000018327 Purple Girls 50 Degree Youth Sleeping Bag
Suitable for use in temperatures down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, this Coleman sleeping bag is perfect for summer trips and backyard camping parties. The unique interior, which features shades of pink, purple and gray, matches back to the purple exterior and has a soft feeling that she’ll appreciate. Coleman added a new zipper to this bag to reduce the amount of heat that escapes the fabric as she sleeps to help her stay even warmer.
9. The North Face Dolomite 20F Youth Sleeping Bag
The North Face is one of the top companies around for camping supplies, and parents of young girls will like this sleeping bag from that company. Suitable for use in temperatures down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, this bag is perfect for use on cooler nights and on late wall or early spring trips. It supports sleepers of up to five-feet tall and has a water-resistant exterior to keep users dry. This bag is available in several color combinations too.
10. Disney Youth Princess Sleeping Bag
Treat your little princess to this cute sleeping bag, which comes outfitted with images of the princesses from her favorite Disney movies. Using the trademark princess pink color, the bag is machine washable and comes with a simple zippered storage bag. Even the littlest of princesses can easily fold or roll up their bags to slip it back inside the case for fast and convenient storage while at home or on vacation.
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