Finding that perfect gift for a kid is always an exciting adventure, and these fun kits will inspire budding scientists to get busy experimenting. From teaching basic concepts regarding lights and colors to delving deep into the fundamentals of chemistry, you can blend fun with learning so that the kid in your life gets the most out of their gift. Since there are so many options available, it helps to have them narrowed down so that you can find one that fits your little scientist’s age and interests. These top 10 science gift kits are the perfect place to start for finding a gift that will make the kid in your life excited about learning.
1. Scientific Explorer Mind Blowing Science Kit
This 20-piece kit truly will blow any child’s mind as they set up experiments that teach them how to use science tools to create chemical reactions. From making an erupting color changing volcano to creating a colorful sunset in a test tube, kids love seeing first hand the scientific principles that explain how nature works. Each experiment is safe enough for kids to do alone, but guides for adults are also included to generate science discussions for everyone to enjoy.
2. Scientific Explorer Magic Science Kit for Wizards Only
This kit is perfect for helping your aspiring magician learn the science behind their tricks. Kids begin by making a magic wizard wand they can use as they work their spells, and then they start using chemical reactions to perform cool tricks such as making Hocus Pocus powder change colors. A test tube crystal ball and frothy fizz are just a few more cool tricks that teach your kid science.
3. 4M Kitchen Science Kit
Did you know that your kitchen is a science lab just waiting to be used for exploration? With this kit, kids will use common household materials to make scientific discoveries. For example, a lemon will be used to generate electricity and finding out how to make invisible ink ups the intrigue for little scientists who find it amazing what they can do in their kitchen lab.
4. Scientific Explorer Disgusting Science Kit
Learning about the human body is more fun for kids when they get to explore the how’s and why’s behind strange bodily functions. While it may seem weird to adults, kids love getting down and dirty with gross concepts such as why people’s feet stink. With this kit, they will get to grow their own bacteria and mold. But the real highlight is getting to create a stinky intestine that explains what causes flatulence.
5. 4M Crystal Growing Experiment
Science kits aren’t all about making froth and slime. This one is ideal for kids who love earth science, and your little rock collector will love learning about crystal formation while watching their garden grow. With this kit, your kid will grow seven different colors of crystals in individual containers that make a stunning display. The best part is that each crystal lasts indefinitely, which gives kids even more time to explore them.
6. Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of Science
Over 70 different activities can enjoyed in this awesome science kit. The guide book mixes with and humor to keep adult assistants and their scientists engaged as they find out answers to questions such as why diapers are absorbent. Chemistry, biology and geology are just a few of the science areas explored in this kit, and it also contains the perfect balance of messy and quiet activities so there is always something that will fit into your day.
7. 4M Magnet Science Kit
Kids are drawn to magnets like metal shavings, and this kit includes interactive magnetic objects that keep kids mesmerized. Using things such as the Super Magnetic Horseshoe, kids get to make magnetic racers and a yacht compass. Then, they can relax and enjoy a magnetic fishing game as they learn about the affects of magnetism.
8. Klutz LEGO Chain Reactions Craft Kit
Creating moving Lego creations provides kids with an excellent lesson in psychics, and adults don’t have to be scared if they’re not an engineer since the kit comes with 80 pages of easy-to-understand instruction. Using more than 30 essential Lego elements, kids get to make 10 different modules using the classic plastic bricks, ramps, balls and string that lets them send messages, ring bells and other awesome things.
9. AMSCOPE-KIDS Microscope Kit
Advanced scientists will love this realistic metal microscope kit that was voted in 2016 as the top microscope kit for beginners. The 52-piece set comes with its own carrying case, and kids have blank slides, scalpels, eosin and gum media included so that they can get started seeing their favorite things up close. A shrimp hatchery and eggs are also included in the kit for a glimpse at real live science in action.
10. SmartLab Toys Extreme Secret Formula Lab
Move over boring cooking lessons, this kitchen science kit lets kids create oozing, glowing and stinking concoctions that make learning about chemistry fun. Whether they prefer to make glowing alien blood or cute scratch and sniff stickers, each experiment is designed to tap into what kids love the most. It also comes with beakers and test tubes so that kids have a real science lab to satisfy their curiosity.
Finding the perfect kids gift is as easy as looking for kits that keep them intrigued. Whether your kid loves gross body facts or prefers glowing crystals, the perfect gift to keep them learning is somewhere on this list.
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